2 teams from the same club in the same league!

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Roger de Coverly
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Re: 2 teams from the same club in the same league!

Post by Roger de Coverly » Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:36 am

John Cox wrote: Well, yeah, either that or everyone could get a grip and recognise that local leagues are just for fun.
That is generally agreed, but here and there you run into club organisers with a "win at all costs" attitude. If you have a relaxed league rule set, the problem comes that they exploit the goodwill of league organisers and other captains. For example fielding players graded well above 150 in a lower team/ division when the average team doesn't exceed 125. That can be compounded by a previous refusal to accept promotion. For a top division, it can be accepted that clubs can recruit who they wish, it's below that level that it distorts the competition.

So I think it's right that internal matches should be scheduled first, but you allow a little latitude if fixture congestion causes them to be played second.

David Gilbert
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Re: 2 teams from the same club in the same league!

Post by David Gilbert » Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:58 am

There were red faces on Thursday night in Division 3 of the London Civil Service League as Revenue & Customs 2 (average grade 139) went down to Revenue & Customs 3 (average grade 114) by the embarrassing score of one point to four. Pooh happens!

John Cox
Posts: 352
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Re: 2 teams from the same club in the same league!

Post by John Cox » Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:07 pm

>That is generally agreed, but here and there you run into club organisers with a "win at all costs" attitude.

Yeah, tell me about it. The first game I ever played in the London League reached move 36 with me an exchange and two pawns up in a quiet ending. The opposing captain informed me (quite untruthfully) that since it had been a home match for us I had to schlep over to Richmond for the resumption, and offered a couple of Monday evening dates in some khazi above a pub in Richmond. I said that in that case we'd agree a draw instead, and my opponent (who was some kind of world foetus champion at the time, I believe) accepted rather than resigning. I would name and shame them but for the fact that I can't remember the fellow's name, and the kid - well, he was a kid, I guess.

David Blower
Posts: 442
Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:01 pm

Re: 2 teams from the same club in the same league!

Post by David Blower » Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:33 pm

However it will not be happening next season. The A team have got promoted to Wolverhampton Division 2, with the B team in division 3.