Congress Entry Fees

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Roger de Coverly
Posts: 21340
Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:51 pm

Congress Entry Fees

Post by Roger de Coverly » Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:15 am

The British Championships at Warwick had many of the Congress entry forms for the next six months on display. It was noticeable that despite the ECF Board's proposal to increase the differential between Bronze and Silver membership, that very many leaflets still had this at £4 (juniors)/ £ 6 (adults) and in some cases £ 5. So the organisers and drafters of forms either were not aware of the increase or decided to finance it themselves. This dilutes the message that some pragmatically advocate, that upgrading of Bronze membership should be done before entering the Congress.

If the Council system was working properly, the Congresses being represented on Council, should have been informed of Council's decisions by their representatives. Instead the ECF Board minutes of 29th May record
10 Communication of changes to Membership and Game Fee rates
It was agreed there was an urgent need to inform congress organisers of Council’s changes to the Game Fee.