Rule 10A

Technical questions regarding Openings, Middlegames, Endings etc.
Roger de Coverly
Posts: 21321
Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:51 pm

Re: Rule 10A

Post by Roger de Coverly » Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:51 pm

Roger de Coverly wrote: I thought of a plausible gamesmanship scenario with the new Thames Valley rule. Suppose a player reaches KBN v K without being too sure how to win it. Under the increment rules you could faff about until the "venue is closed" adjudication. You could probably do the same under the Border league 10.2 rule as it's difficult for the opponent to claim lack of progress without a score.
As if on cue, exactly this (drawn KBN v K) happened in the World University Championships.

Alex H reports here

and this is by players much more competent on paper than the average league player !