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Let's swap pieces instead of wearing out openings

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:12 pm
by Mats Winther
During training games, instead of wearing out your openings,
monotonously playing the same system over and over, you should try
"Relocation variants". Simply swap a piece or two before making the
first move. This means a thorough kill of all opening theory, but
strategically it's the same game. It's like breathing fresh air again.
Please read below article. There are also Zillions programs to download
where the diverse relocation methods have been implemented.

M. Winther

Re: Let's swap pieces instead of wearing out openings

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:47 pm
by IM Jack Rudd
Moved to Chess Development to join Mats's previous variant chess proposals.

Re: Let's swap pieces instead of wearing out openings

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:50 am
by Anthony Appleyard
Of the 6 possible arrangements of R N B on the king's side, the official arrangement is the only arrangement where foolsmate (1. f3 e5; 2. g4 Qh4#) works. In all 5 other arrangements, White can cover the check.:-

R on f1: 3 Rf2 guarded by king
N on f1 or h1: 3 Ng3 guarded by h2P
B on g1: 3 Bf2 guarded by K, and Black must rescue his queen