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Re: Sir George Alan Thomas

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:57 am
by O.G. Urcan
On 13 January Tryfon Gavriel wrote in this thread:
Justin there was a further reply from Raymond Keene on for the record:

Premium Chessgames Member ray keene: let me make it absolutely clear-whenever i have quoted or summarised anything ever written by garry i have sought appropriate permissions in every single case-anyone suggesting anything else is simply making it up. since such people never bother to check their facts with me i ignore them and i advise anyone else remotely interested to do the same."
Those words of Keene's have been quoted in the latest issue of Private Eye. The magazine calls them a "pseudo-denial" because "whenever i have quoted or summarised anything..." is irrelevant to the actual documented charges. They are about plagiarism, and not quoting or summarising.