Who would have won had Anatoly Karpov played Bobby Fischer?

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Brendan Brown
Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:50 am

Re: Who would have won had Anatoly Karpov played Bobby Fisch

Post by Brendan Brown » Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:30 pm

There are a couple of books I have that discuss the negotiations for the match that never was between Morphy and Staunton:-

Psychology of a Chess Player (Reuben Fine)
The Genius of Paul Morphy (Chris Ward)

Fine says Morphy made repeated declarations that he was not a professional.
In Ward's book, it mentions Staunton dismissed the challenge by saying that "the best players in Europe are not chess professionals and have other more serious avocations".

I must hunt out the David Lawson book on Morphy.

Happy to stand corrected on the Morphy marriage rebuff story. If Hollywood ever makes a film about Morphy I'm sure they'd put that in.