4NCL season 2012-13

Venues, fixtures, teams and related matters.
Roger de Coverly
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Re: 4NCL season 2012-13

Post by Roger de Coverly » Sat May 11, 2013 5:44 pm

Christopher Kreuzer wrote:What are these ChessBase extensions you are talking about? Do you mean ChessBase changes to accommodate/recognise new PGN fields, or were those fields always there?
Without being a ChessBase user, I can only guess at the history of enhancements. The manual for the latest versions includes "team" as a piece of data that can be input. It's not a compulsory or even common PGN input as other input software capable of producing PGN files doesn't include it. So if any of the inputters were using the old Fritz 5.32 as their program, they wouldn't have been able to input team name. That's why I'm suggesting it is a relatively recent enhancement.
Christopher Kreuzer wrote:Oh, and recording all draw offers - does any software do this at all yet?
It shouldn't be difficult to input draw offers, just put " (=)" as an annotation.

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Christopher Kreuzer
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Re: 4NCL season 2012-13

Post by Christopher Kreuzer » Sat May 11, 2013 6:33 pm

Roger de Coverly wrote:It shouldn't be difficult to input draw offers, just put " (=)" as an annotation.
Yeah, but it seems like the sort of thing someone might think could go in a new field for that purpose. It would cover any verbal exchanges between the players and/or the arbiters, including 10.2 claims, though increments make those far less likely now. Adding on time due to illegal moves, stuff like that. Actually, videoing an entire game makes any need to record such things, a vanishingly small need any way, even smaller now.