Doug Smith

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Roger de Coverly
Posts: 21352
Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:51 pm

Doug Smith

Post by Roger de Coverly » Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:18 pm

Doug's son writes as follows
Doug Smith died on 28th October, 2015, aged 81. Chess remained a fascination and joy for his whole life, and he made many friends at his local clubs in Bourne End, Slough, and Gloucester. He played at club and county level, and had as his particular interest in the last 20 years the Blackmar Diemer Gambit. He was an early adopter of computer chess and enjoyed playing ‘postal games’ with people from all around the world. It is with great sadness that he is no longer with us.
Those with Bucks connections will recall that he was a leading local player between the 1960s and 1990s and a strength into the 180s at his best. I had a number of tussles with him over the years and one thing I learned to be wary of, was the depth of his research. He was one of the earlier pioneers of the Tromp, as I found to my cost.